Subscribe to Topographical Gang!: Our Patreon: SubReddit: Insta: @wizardswithguns Twitter: @WWG_TV TikTok: wizardswithguns We’ve all seen the coin toss before the Super Bowl. You know how it works, it’s a 50/50 chance it lands on either side… right? WRONG! Clearly you don’t know heads or tails about sports. Did your dad teach you NOTHING?! “Keep your eyes on the money, son” my dad would say as he put a catcher’s mitt on each of my hands and pelted me with handfuls of change. He was tough but fair. Let me teach you how this works so you don’t look like an absolute buffoon during the Big Game this February. Watch this all new sports tutorial comedy sketch by Wizards with Guns and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two… it’s NOT a joke. Music: Lord of the Land - Kevin Macleod #Wizards #Comedy #SketchComedy